(C)1996.7 弁理士 古谷栄男
弁理士 竹山宏明氏編集の「STARDUST NEWS」(1996.7.27号)に掲載したものを転載しました。

1. 概要

 米国E-DATA社(旧社名:Interactive Gift Express)は、同社が保有するソフトウエア配布に関する基本特許(USP4,528,643)に基づいて、多数の米国企業にライセンスを要求している。6月28日付けのInformation Law Alert誌(によれば、既に、IBM、アドビ、VocalTec、KidSoft、First Virtualがライセンスを受けることに同意している模様である。また、E-DATA社は、ライセンスを拒否した企業数十社を相手に、コネチカット、ニューヨークにおいて、3つの訴訟を提起している。

2. 特許の背景

 本特許(USP4,528,643:Freeny:"System for reproducing information in material objects at a point of sale location")は、Charles C. Freenyが、1983年1月10日に出願し、85年7月9日に発行されたものである。95年の初め頃に、Freenyは、この特許を、 ニュージャージー州のE-DATA社(旧社名:Interactive Gift Express)に20万ドルで譲渡した。

3. 特許の内容


The present invention contemplates a system for reproducing information in material objects at a point of sale location wherein the information to be reproduced is provided at the point of sale location from a location remote with respect to the point of sale location, an owner authorization code is provided to the point of sale location in reponse to receiving a request code from the point of sale location requesting to reproducing predetermined information in a material object, and the predetermined information is reproduced in a material object at the point of sale location in response to receiving the owner authorization code.

1. A method for reproducing information in material objects utilizing information manufacturing machines located at point of sale locations, comprising the steps of: providing from a source remotely located with respect to the information manufacturing machine the information to be reproduced to the information manufacturing machine, each information being uniquely identified by a catalog code; providing a request reproduction code including a catalog code uniquely identifying the information to be reproduced to the information manufacturing machine requesting to reproduce certain information identified by the catalog code in a material object; providing an authorization code at the information manufacturing machine authorizing the reproduction of the information identified by the catalog code included in the request reproduction codes; and receiving the request reproduction code and the authorization code at the information manufacturing machine and reproducing in a material object the information identified by the catalog code included in the request reproduction code in response to the authorization code authorizing such reproduction.

37. An apparatus for reproducing information in material objects at point of sale locations, comprising: an information manufacturing machine located at a point of sale location for reproducing information in material objects, each information to be reproduced being uniquely identified by a catalog code and each information being received from a source remotely located with respect to the information manufacturing machine and each information being stored in the information manufacturing machine, the information manufacturing machine receiving a request reproduction code including a catalog code uniquely identifying the information to be reproduced and being adapted to provide an authorization code including the catalog code included in the request reproduction code, and the information manufacturing machine being adapted to reproduce the information identified by the catalog code in a material object in response to receiving the authorization code.




4. ライセンスおよび訴訟の状況


最初にライセンスを受けたのは、IBMである。その他、アドビ、VocalTec、KidSoft、First Virtualも、ライセンスを受けることに合意したと伝えられている。そのライセンス期間やロイヤリティについては、公表されていない。


Dun & Bradstreet
Meca Software, Inc.
Decision Support Group Inc.

■ ニューヨーク訴訟
Compuserve Inc., Adobe Systems Inc.
Apogee Software Ltd. Broderbund Software Inc
Cybersource Corp. First Virtual Holdings Inc.
Intermind Corp. Internet Software Inc.
Intuit Inc. Kid Soft Inc.
McGraw Hill Cos. Inc. Soft & Net Distribution S.A.
SoftLock Services Inc. Telebase systems Inc.
The Library Corp. Vocaltec Inc.
Waldenbooks Ziff-Davis Publishing Co.

■ コネチカット第2次訴訟

Agfa Div-Miles Inc. Astoria Software
Axcis Information Network Inc. Broadcast Software Corp.
CD-Max Inc. Cognitive Tech Corp.
Cycle Software Svcs. Index Stock Photography, Inc.
Investex Group Jerry's World Inc.
Micropatent Corp. Monotype Typography Inc.
Pacific Coast Software Photodisc, Inc.
Picture Network Int'l Ltd. Portland Software
Software Online Software Publishing Corp.
Software Supermarket Inc. Software Vend Inc.
Test Drive Corp. West Stock Inc.

 なお、ニューヨーク訴訟においては、6月25日に、 E-DATA社に対して、60日以内に侵害対象製品がどのクレームに抵触するのか等を明らかにするよう、判事から命令が出されている。

5. 最後に





(c)1997 HIdeo FURIUTANI /

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